Wednesday 19 January 2011
Monday 17 January 2011
experiencing live abroad, by Uma Hapsari
Profile: Renung Kinanthi 64, Nanyang Technological University in Singapore
Siapa tidak kenal Genius Padmanaba 64 yang satu ini, Renung Kinanthi. Katanya, “aku termasuk orang yang average, kaya anak2 laen pada umumnya. Ga gitu bisa musik dan olahraga, jadi ngandalin akademis doang.” Tetapi justru fokus terhadap kehidupan akademis itulah yang menjadi pedang dalam meniti masa depannya yang cerah! Pertengahan tahun 2009, Renung resmi membanggakan almamaternya dengan menyandang predikat anak didik sebuah universitas impian, Nanyang Technological University Singapore. Berita baiknya bukan hanya terhenti disitu saja: kuliahnya disubsidi. Bantuan dari pemerintah Singapura tersebut tentu saja menjadi salah satu pertimbangan Renung untuk menentukan pilihan finalnya, “Ortu nggak mau aku kuliah di Indo, dan Singapurlah yang paling deket. Senior juga udah ada yang disini, jadi semuanya lebih gampang. Pertimbangan yang laen ya karena di sini ada subsidi dari pemerintah jadi ga gitu berat bayarnya”.
Sebelum benar-benar menginjakkan kakinya ke Singapore, bayangan Renung tentang negri ini adalah ‘banyak bulenya’. Sekarang, Renung memukan Singapura sebagai sebuah Negara dengan multikulturalisme tinggi yang terutama membawa manfaat baginya untuk bisa menjalin pertemanan dan koneksi ke berbagai penjuru dunia. Selain itu, mantan anggota Ninjitsu ini mengagumi Singapura sebagai kota yang ampuh: kecil, padat dengan iklim yang hampir sama dengan Indonesia, namun fasilitasnya ampuh dan tergolong murah misalnya perihal transportasi, serta banyaknya peluang beasiswa. Satu lagi kelebihan mumpuni yang ditawarkan Singapura, yakni solidnya organisasi perantau asal Indonesia. Dengan begitu, kemudahan dan pertolongan pun akan lebih mudah dicari.
Meskipun begitu, kelebihan-kelebihan tersebut ternyata bukan menjadi tujuan akhir seorang Renung. Ketika ditanya tentang rencana ke depan, dia menjawab, “Kerja dulu disini 3 taun, atau kalau duit memungkinkan ambil S2. ga akan stay lama2 disini, kalau bisa ke Jepang atau Eropa!”. Yes You Can, Renung Kinanthi!
Profile: Josephine Vanda Tirtayani 64, Leceister University in United Kingdom
“I know I am not wrong,” begitu paparnya tegas ketika ditanya mengenai keputusannya yang begitu berani menimba ilmu jauh sampai ke negri Inggris! Lanjutnya, “Challenging, would one of a good way to describe UK. I had a totally different environment here, from sink in the toilet to university live”.
Keputusannya seorang Josephine Vanda Tirtayani untuk terbang 16 jam ke Inggris pun bukan tanpa proses yang begitu saja. Mulanya Vanda begitu yakin melanjutkan studi ke Australia, sebagaimana banyak siswa menjatuhkan pilihan mereka. United Kingdom, justru belum pernah muncul dalam mimpinya dikarenakan satu asumsi umum: that would be very expensive! Tetapi rasa penasaran Vanda membawanya melihat lebih detail tentang perbandingan biaya kuliah, and it wasn’t too bad actually! Karena ternyata, biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk ke Inggris adalah sama banyaknya dengan jika ia harus memilih tiga tahun mengenyam pendidikan sarjana di Australia! Dan lagi, jumlah orang Indonesia di Inggris yang lebih sedikit ketimbang di Australia akan mengembangkan kemampuan bahasa Inggrisnya menjadi jauh lebih baik, “And it was proved when I just met 7 Indonesian people 7 months after I lived in my first city, Brighton. Well some people might say this is not a good situation to have, but I am quite happy to live surround by many people from distinct countries and backgrounds. I just love it”.
Vanda menyebut Leicester University, tempatnya menimba ilmu, sebagai tempat yang fantastis: peringkat ke 16 dari seluruh universitas di Inggris, keberadaannya yang jauh dari kota membuatnya justru menjadi sangat kondusif untuk belajar, dan pula tidak begitu jauh dari Birmingham dan (ehm) London yang stunning! Ada lagi bonus sekolah di Inggris, yakni kesempatan untuk travelling! Paris, German atau Amsterdam hanya sekitar dua jam perjalanan, dengan transportasi yang begitu mudah diakses! “Trust me, you won’t regret!” katanya, promosi.
Satu yang begitu menjadi kendala: the horrible weather! Disamping itu, mungkin beberapa konsultan akan menyarankan A level untuk memulai acara belajar di Inggris. Artinya, siswa dianjurkan untuk meninggalkan masa SMA sebelum tahun kedua. Tetapi Vanda punya rekomendasi yang lain bagi yang mempertimbangkan cara tersebut, “To all my Padmanaba brothers and sisters.. having another year or two years repeating kind of the same degree in the UK later is worth having to compare with every single thing you would get in Padmanaba. All those friendships, experiences, networking things, knowledge, and courage, important and unimportant things you would have are just such gorgeous things to have in life. Sometimes I think that I would not be able to survive here if I did not choose SMA N 3! Now, I feel like it just a perfect match to have even though I am a year left behind now,” kata Vanda yang baru memulai kuliahnya pada tahun 2010, ketika yang lain telah memulai setahun lebih awal.
Written by Uma Hapsari
discomfort in the air
I don’t know if I ever felt this before. Maybe I had, other way I forgot. So here I am, 38,000 feet away from the ground on my way to get back to the UK. 8 hours from Jakarta to Dubai was totally fine. Thanks for my tired body where fortunately I could sleep all the time. The other way half way, now, is…. So hurdled. I have no idea what kind of feeling is this exactly. But this discomfort makes my head warm; or too hot indeed, my tummy ache, and none of my bone can stand still. What I am sure of, it is distracting. Well, it is not that I become so dumb that I couldn’t do eat, sleep, read, and other things like I normally do in my flights. So this strange felling is burdening me. I will simply call it ‘discomfort in the air’.
One thing I know for sure, there is something missing yet different inside. I am sick of telling my self that everything will be fine when I know they are not. Problem is, I usually have someone to talk whenever I am not feeling well. But here, inside this big aircraft far above Munich, I have to deal with myself. I did not expect this would happen, though. Everything was really fine before I entered this plane. The theory was… I am not in love and so I have nothing to be worried. But my body seems disagree, like physically and makes this strange feeling even worse because I can’t feel anything like almost suffocate. Until I realize, that I could not tell lie to my self. That I am yearning you badly and part of my body wants to stay with you. All those imperfections, impossibilities, passions to stand still, fake strengths were discounted because of you. Just to be able to spend more time, no matter how tiny they are. All those priceless time.
I sigh several times and wonder if you also feel the same like I do now. And how we are going to work this out. I have tried to prepare myself with my strongest thought and stick with my plan. But here I am, complaining how unfair is this circumstances for me. Maybe for us, if you are agree with me. Well, they say all is fair in love and war. I cannot really accept them for now. I finally give up and open my small savior note book, grab my pen and letting both of them dancing together, creating a new dance of writing and hoping that they would cheer me up a little bit :)
Written literally in the air,
For my unpredictable one
16th of January, 2011
Saturday 3 July 2010
the rule of shopping by me
1. Don’t buy stuff because they are cheap or on sale, in the other hand, afford and buy things that you are really dying wanted to even though they are amazingly expensive
2. Distinguish NEED and WANT. Just admit it if you want
3. If you accustomed to get things you want, think how would it feel when you couldn’t get what you want
4. Think and remember stuffs that you had already at home. Bunch of shoes, bunch of clothes, pile of bags, and many others
5. Hard to decide? Leave it for couple of days and if you still thinking about it every time, then have it (be honest yaa)
6. Why don’t you save the money instead? :D